Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reminder about "free" futsal night this Friday

Hello to all,
Just a reminder that we have an open gym futsal opportunity this Friday 1/20 at the C4 complex.  Its a great oportunity to brush up on your footskills, and start to prepare yourself for the upcoming season.  For our freshman, its a chance to meet some of the other girls in the program.  No coaching takes place, we just roll out a ball and let you have some fun.  I am asking that those than can assist, we are helping train a U9 girls team from 5:30-6:30, then we have the gym for two hours 6:30-8:30.  If you haven't already contacted me if you will be able to attend, please do so this week.  I will send out directions later this week, but it's located in West County, close to St. John's Hospital.

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