Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reminder about Friday night futsal

We have our second, and final, Friday night futsal event this Friday once again at C4.  The weather was a little rough last time so hopefully the roads will be clear and we'll have a great attendance.  We will again need some help working with a U9 team from 5:30-6:30 then we have the court from 6:30-8:30 for games.  I would like to have at least 5-6 girls available to help at 5:30.  I am still looking to get some Sunday night open gyms at LHS and will forward information as I get it.  In the meantime, keep running and work on fitness.  With the warm weather, hopefully you have been able to get out and get some solid workouts. 
Coach Giesing

Thursday, January 19, 2012

address for C4 for Friday night futsal

The C4 complex for our Friday night futsal is located at 12691 Conway Rd.  Its not really visible from the road and when you are on Conway look for two large brick pillars with raquets on them and that is the entrance to the facility.  I usually take 270 to 40 to Ballas and head towards St. John's hospital.  Make a right on Conway and then C4 will be on your right.  As it turns out, I can't attend this Friday but other members of the staff will be there. 
Coach Giesing

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reminder about "free" futsal night this Friday

Hello to all,
Just a reminder that we have an open gym futsal opportunity this Friday 1/20 at the C4 complex.  Its a great oportunity to brush up on your footskills, and start to prepare yourself for the upcoming season.  For our freshman, its a chance to meet some of the other girls in the program.  No coaching takes place, we just roll out a ball and let you have some fun.  I am asking that those than can assist, we are helping train a U9 girls team from 5:30-6:30, then we have the gym for two hours 6:30-8:30.  If you haven't already contacted me if you will be able to attend, please do so this week.  I will send out directions later this week, but it's located in West County, close to St. John's Hospital.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last night's meeting

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend last night's pre-season meeting.  It was great to see a full house.  If anyone needs a copy of last nights agenda and notes, please email me and I'll send you one.  Also, if you know of friends who are interested in coming out but were unable to attend, have them get in touch with me and I'll get them all the info as well.  In the meantime, start training!!  Obviously its going to be hard to get outside today, but a great night for some ab work, or maybe hit the gym.  See you soon.
Coach Giesing

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Giesing 8Green Social Studies: 8 Green homework for 1/3

Giesing 8Green Social Studies: 8 Green homework for 1/3: Comm. Arts no homework Science- finish states of matter foldable if not completed in class Math - algebra HW #7-1 3,5,8,10,13,15,17,19,21,...

Pre-Season informational meeting

The Lindbergh girls soccer program will host a pre-season informational meeting on Wednesday, Jan 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Anne Morrow Lindbergh room on the high school campus.  Both players and parents are encouraged to attend,.